
Viral Marketing - Session 10

Every day we hear all about  viral marketing , the Internet’s viral videos and content that spreads at the speed of light. But what exactly is it? A viral product or viral advertising, viral campaigns or simply luck, that randomly makes something such a big hit.  Viral content usually has a well-designed  viral strategy  behind it, it is, in part, also due to luck, but creativity and preparation are also extremely important… for this reason, to get to know this world a little better, I would like to tell you today what the definition of this concept actually is, how a viral campaign works, the advantages or viral marketing and show you our favorite examples .

Blogs and Social Media Marketing - Session 8

Essentially, a blog is considered an online diary utilized by marketers to reach their target audience further. A blog is of great significance to a company's media strategy and it helps to improve the company's brand by devising a strategy to stand out. Depending on the product, a company has a lot to gain from the publishing a blog as it assists them to illustrate their expertise and gain trust in that market. Blogs can be personal and they can be formal, however, the nature of the company's operation can be combined with a blog to boost SEO rankings. In addition, a blog can help the company connect with it's market in the most inexpensive ways possible. In this modern society, a blog paired with the dynamics of a excellent social media marketing strategy is the gate way to any marketers big win the industry. Different types of online marketing strategies have emerged over the past few years and blog marketing is one of the newer kids on the block. Creating a b...

Social Media Policy - Session 6

In this digital age, most companies have opted to create a social media policy to protect their reputations. This policy sets out to align the company's reputation with it's code of conduct to ensure that all content posted to the internet by their employees is representative of their values. The question is, does this social media policy infringe on the rights of their employees to post what their hearts desire to their personal social media accounts? Let's discuss. The purpose of a social media policy is not necessarily to hinder an employee's ability to post on their social media pages, but instead it is to hinder them from damaging the positive image of the company and by extension themselves.  Some companies are compelled to develop a company social media policy, in most cases, as a response to a major public relations disaster. The evidence is there that many social media scandals that illustrates instances of  an employee tweeting something offensive from ...

Social Media Campaign: Developing Content Strategy - Session 9

T he world is moving at a fast pace and marketing, in all aspects, is not slowing down. Social Media takes the formality out of communication and gives the client the opportunity to create a personality for the company. This personality in most cases helps to promote the brand and secure sales. What most companies lose sight of is their own capabilities to reach their target audience and more through multiple channels. Though content production is major cost to these companies, by re-purposing content to fit a specific message this cost could be considered an investment rather than an expense. Content Creation  is referred to as the process of creating original content from scratch and marketing it to the brand's audience through followers or subscribers.  Content Curation  is defined as the process of gathering existing information like blogs, social media posts or, e-books relevant to a particular topic and re-purposing them to share it with the brand’s audience.Con...

Social Customer Service Improving Brand Loyalty

Social Customer Service (SCS) works pretty much as it sounds, having a customer service staff member dealing with customer concerns on social media. This is usually carried out by using any social media platform including Facebook or Twitter. The key to achieving SCS is by demonstrating actual customer to staff member exchange in a visible environment enabled by the public nature of social media discourse. Customer service is undergoing a major evolution, with online communication moving away from private, anonymous, one-to-one channels toward public one-to-many channels that are mobile, social, and attached to real identity. In brief, social media is changing the entire business of customer service, posing great challenges and presenting new opportunities for brands. In the midst of this seismic shift, though, it’s important to remember that the core principles of great customer service still apply. Quality customer service — regardless of channel — relies on a meaningful dia...

Social Media Trends

The Social Media or Digital Marketing age has brought about many changes in the world of marketing.These changes have led to the phenomenon that we now rely on as a major tool for brand recognition and awareness. Continuous changes to an already dynamic industry has formed many trends and has paved the way for aspiring marketers. Streaming As A Tool for Gaining Momentum Let's face it, with the introduction of a full screen phone and increased digital features people have grown to love live video. Customer satisfaction is boosted due to the constant desire for visual demonstrations of products or services. Approximately  80 percent of consumers would rather watch a live video than read a blog and 82 percent prefer live video to written social media updates in 2017. This phenomenon accounts for the popularity of many vlog channels on YouTube and other social media platforms.  As a result, most marketers have included this method into their marketing plans to increase thei...

Rules of Marketing and PR - Paving the Way for an Integrated Approach

The world of Marketing is constantly changing and adapting to the changes of the wider society. As humans grow and learn to adopt to their constantly changing environment you will find that many processes and systems will change to fit in. With this in mind, we can say that rules of Marketing and Public Relations have been tweaked, switched and tossed out based on these changes. Before I go into this in detail, here's a a quote on change: “ We can't be afraid of change. You may feel very secure in the pond that you are in, but if you never venture out of it, you will never know that there is such a thing as an ocean, a sea. Holding onto something that is good for you now, may be the very reason why you don't have something better .”   ―  C. JoyBell C. Old Rules of Marketing and Public Relations Advertising needs to appeal to the masses Marketers and advertisers commonly used mass communication channels as the core means of communication. This rule has been ...